Send us your event to [email protected] or call 250-566-4606. Use 40 Words or less and we will publish it FREE up to a month before.
FRI Mar 28th Free Skate at the Canoe Valley Rec Centre 7pm-10pm. Enjoy the last day of ice this season with a FREE public skating session.
SAT Mar 29th Paint the Ice event at the Canoe Valley Rec Centre 9am-11am. Join us for a FREE, fun event before the ice comes off for the season! Wear clean boots and kids must be with an adult and have a helmet. Paint and brushes are provided and the concession will be open.
TUES Apr 8th RED DIRT SKINNERS LIVE AT the Valemount Community Theatre, Valemount 7pm. Described by Roots Music Canada as “The Pink Floyd of Folk Music” the Red Dirt Skinners are the multi-award winning, multi-instrumentalist husband and wife team of Rob and Sarah Skinner.
SAT-SUN Apr 26-27 CORE – BC Hunter Safety from 8am-5pm. Skating rink meeting room. Cost $315 incl GST. Phone 250-566-4601 to register.
May 4th 2nd annual Valemount Senior Citizen’s Housing Society Fundraising Spring Tea. More details TBA.
Ongoing Valemount
Pancake Breakfast – Sundays
Pancake breakfast at the Valemount Legion Sundays 8 to 10:30a.m. By donation!
Cribbage – Mondays
Join us every Monday at the Golden Years Lodge for a game of cribbage! 1 PM. All welcome.
Drop-in pickleball – Sun, Tues, Thurs
Drop-in pickleball at the Community Hall at noon Sundays, and 8:30am Tuesdays and Thursday.
Crafty Stitchers – Sundays in December
Sundays 1-3 PM Crafty Stitchers meet downstairs at the Valemount Public Library, all welcome! Call 250-566-4367. Library closed for the holidays Dec. 24-Jan 2nd.
Personal Tech Help – by appointment
Hosted by the Learning Centre Need help with your iPad, tablet, phone or computer? Schedule your one-on-one appointment 250-566-4601 or email [email protected]
Mother Goose – Wednesdays
WED’s Starting January 29th: Infants aged 0-12 months and their adult caregivers are invited to join us for Mother Goose. This Parent-Child Mother Goose Program is a group experience for parents and their babies and young children. The program introduces adults and children to the pleasure of using rhymes, songs, and stories together. The program runs from 11:15 PM to 2:15 PM and lasts for 10 weeks at the Valemount Public Library, 1090A Main Street. No Registration required. For more info contact 250-566-9107 [email protected].
Old-time Music – Wednesdays
Oldtimers band and music night at Golden Years Lodge in Valemount 7 PM every Wednesday. All are welcome! Play music, listen or dance.
WED’s Infant Massage Starting January 29th: Infants aged 0-12 months and their adult caregivers (no siblings, please) are invited to learn about the benefits and techniques for Infant Massage in an 8-week program. Join us from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM at the Valemount Public Library, 1090A Main Street. The purpose of the International Association of Infant Massage is to promote nurturing touch and communication. Registration is required; for more info contact the office 250-566-9107 or [email protected]
Astronomy Course – Wednesdays
Drop in and learn about astronomy through the Valemount Library’s ongoing astronomy series! 7-8:30 every Wednesday.
Valemount Coffee House – Thursdays
Free Drop-In/Coffee House at the Golden Years Lodge the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month 10 AM -2 PM. It’s open to everyone regardless of your age. If you currently have mobility issues, call CARE-A-VAN 778-915-8550 for a ride.
Virtual Fitness Classes at Peak Physio:
Barre workouts Tuesday mornings at 7am
Cardio Kickboxing Thursday mornings 7am
We are adding yoga Monday nights at 7:15pm
Above workouts are taught by a virtual instructor but held in our quaint gym space. Limited to 6 participants – pre-registration is advised. Kickboxing limited to 4 participants. Cost $10 per session. Sign up online at or call/text 2650-566-4650
In-Person Fitness Classes at Peak Physio
High-intensity circuit training Tuesdays 7-8pm and Wednesdays 9-10am. Low-intensity circuit training Fridays 9-10am or Sundays 10-11am. Instructor Laura Smith. Sign up online at
Tween Scene Book Club – Every 3rd Friday
Free book club for kids 9-12yrs. Sign up in the library or give us a call 250-566-436.
Legion dinner and music nights – Fridays
Dinner at the Valemount Legion 5:30 followed by music at 7 PM every Friday. Music varies by week and includes open mic, karaoke, jam sessions and special events.
Family Place Drop In Program – Fridays
If you have questions, are looking for parenting resources, or just need to chat, you can join us in person 9 AM-noon every Friday in Valemount at 1444 5th Ave. Our weekly targeted programming is a great way for kids ages 0-6 (with their caregivers) to play, connect, explore, and learn!
March 28 – Puppets and Rhymes
THUR MAR 27 Join us at the RVCS office in McBride, 942 3rd Avenue, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM for a documentary film, “Northlore” which weaves together animation and live-action to delve into the transformations stories of people living in Canada’s North, highlighting how the wilderness can transform the human spirit. This event is brought to you by the RVCS Adult Literacy program. No registration required.
THUR–SAT Mar 27-29 Games Cafe Launch 3:00pm at the McBride library. The meeting room will be open to anyone wishing to socialize and explore our new collection of board and card games (or meet up to play the games currently in our collection). Staff are happy to introduce a new game each day to those who are interested.
SAT Mar 29th Free Skate at the Robson Valley Rec Centre 5:30pm-9pm. Enjoy the last day of ice this season with a FREE public skating session.
SUN Mar 30th Paint the Ice event at the Robson Valley Rec Centre 2pm-4pm. Join us for a FREE, fun event before the ice comes off for the season! Wear clean boots and kids must be with an adult and have a helmet. Paint and brushes are supplied.
Ongoing McBride
MONs Family Place Drop In Program
If you have questions, are looking for parenting resources, or just need to chat, you can join us in person 9 am-noon every Monday in McBride. Our weekly targeted programming is a great way for kids ages 0-6 (with their caregivers) to play, connect, explore, and learn!
March 31 – Popsicle stick bird feeder
MON’s Starting MAR 10: Join our workshop, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk
a seven week program from 7 PM to 8 PM at the McBride Secondary School, 1300 2nd Ave. Learning these skills sets everyone up for success, fostering a harmonious and supportive environment for both you and your children. All supplies and workbooks will be provided. Enhance your communication skills and create a positive impact on your child’s development. Registration is required, please contact the office to reserve your spot.
TUES ASL Sign Language Club 3:00-3:30 Basics & 3:30-4:30 Beyond Basics @ the McBride E-Free Church. Great for families, friends and cognitive brain stimulation. Contact Lonnie 250-569-7657
Dungeons & Dragons – Tuesdays
For ages 12-18, the classic fantasy storytelling game. Join us on Tuesdays 3:30-6pm, McBride Library. Bring D&D dice if you have them!
Children’s Learning Series
Tuesdays 3:00pm starting with a story and snack, each week library staff will host activities under the umbrella of a variety of themes. Geared to ages 9-12. Please call 250-569-2411 or stop in to register children for some or all events. More info on the website [email protected].
Tuesday Night Jam – McBride
Now playing in the CN Station Lobby, 6:15-8:30 PM. It is an open jam; musicians, singers, and onlookers welcome. For more information call David at (250) 569-2569.
Fibre Artists – Wednesdays
On Wednesdays the McBride Library host the Fibre Artists’ group 10 AM-12 PM: come knit, sew or crochet with us! Beginners welcome. Online option available. Call the library 250 569 2411.
Book Clubs for Adults – Thursdays
The McBride Library holds two monthly book discussion clubs for adults Thursday afternoons 1:30 PM. Call 250 569 2411 for info.
Books and Banter – Thursdays
NEW Books and Banter – Thursdays 12:30 – Adults, join us for lighthearted stories, read aloud, that you’ll be sure to enjoy! Refreshments served. Beginning March 20th.
Sunshine Stories – Thursdays
10:30-11 AM Thursdays. An early literacy program for children ages 0-5 and caregivers. Songs, rhymes, stories and fun! In partnership with Decoda Literacy.
German Conversation Club – Wednesdays
Join us on Wednesday 11:30 – 1:00 at the McBride Library for a fun German language conversational class with Lilly. All levels and abilities are welcome, from beginners to advanced. For further details, call the library 250 569 2411.
Writing Group – Fridays
Writing Group for adults meets every Friday afternoon at the McBride library 1:30-3 PM. We tend to chat for the first 30 mins about what we are working on, then we sit silently for an hour to write. Writers are working on a range of things – novels, memoirs, poems, short stories, dissertations. Join us!
WED Apr 2nd Poetry Workshop at the Dunster School House 10:30-12:30. A workshop designed to read, write, speak, and discuss poetry. All ages welcome. Please RSVP with the McBride library.
SAT Apr 5th Please join us for the Brock Maguire Memorial Biennial Live Auction & Gala at 7pm for hot and cold appetizers and a cash bar to mingle before our LIVE AUCTION starts at 8pm with local auctioneer KEN McNAUGHTON! This is going to be a super fun night!!! We have donations from so many generous local business owners and individuals to auction off in an effort to continue improving the functionality of the school, engaging community and to cover operating costs. In light of our recent loss, we will be giving 25% of the net proceeds of this event to help support this very sad time and challenging transition for Brock’s children. 80 tickets available at $20 each. Send us an email and e-transfer to [email protected] or call 250-569-4026 for tickets. Please message us with any questions and we will happily accept donations for auction.
Community Potluck Lunches hosted by the Dunster Community Association again this winter at the Dunster Community Hall. They will be on March 1st and 15th. Doors open at 11:30am and lunch is at noon. For more info contact Pete Amyoony 250-968-4334 or Loretta Simpson 250-968-4453.
Fibre Arts Meetup Thursdays at the Dunster Schoolhouse!! Drop in with whatever you’re working on between 10am-2pm.