Strategies North offering grant assistance to Valemount businesses

By Abigail Popple, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, RMG

Consulting agency Strategies North is providing grant application coaching to business owners looking to apply for grants to assist with the economic impacts of the nearly three-week-long highway closures last August.

The firm was hired in November to create an economic recovery strategy after businesses lost an average of about $46,000 due to the closures of Highway 93 and Highway 16. The strategy was presented at the January 14th meeting of Council, and suggests promoting Valemount as a tourist destination to wider audiences and soliciting grants from the B.C., Alberta and federal governments.

Strategies North did not respond to The Goat’s request for comment.

In an email to The Goat, Valemount CAO Anne Yanciw said the firm’s grant application coaching is meant to complement the Village’s current grant-writing services.

“Grant services at the Village [are] more focused on assistance to non-profits, while [Strategies North] is more focused on business,” she said. “[Strategies North’s] grant writing support is specific to the losses experienced as a result of the highway closures – i.e., our current economic crisis.”

Lobbying efforts under way

Four Strategies North consultants have registered their Valemount-related lobbying activities with the federal government since January 13th, according to the federal lobbyist registry

The registration says lobbyists are aiming to “support the Village of Valemount in the pursuit of additional financial support following the 2024 Jasper wildfire and resulting economic impacts.”

This may include requesting federal financial assistance or making arrangements for disaster financial assistance through Public Safety Canada and the Emergency Management Act, the registration says.

Additionally, two consultants registered with the B.C. lobbyist registry on February 3rd. According to the B.C. registration, the firm is lobbying for financial support for Valemount to prevent job losses and support local businesses.

The agency has also registered three consultants with the Alberta registry, with the purpose of seeking assistance for economic recovery from the aftermath of the Jasper wildfire.

Strategies North did not respond to requests for comment on the firm’s lobbying efforts.