By Abigail Popple, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, RMG
Commercial vehicles with a registered gross vehicle weight of over 11,794 kilograms are now being allowed through Jasper National Park. Access is allowed during brief windows throughout the day: 4:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m. PDT, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. PDT, and 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. PDT.
However, these windows are subject to change without notice if fire behaviour changes or the highway is needed for firefighting operations.
The RCMP have established checkpoints along the highway in both directions to control traffic. Drivers will have to stop and identify themselves at these checkpoints.
Drivers can check DriveBC or 511 Alberta for updates on Highway 16. DriveBC anticipates another update on Tuesday, August 6th at 9:00 a.m. 511 Alberta does not list predicted times for future updates.
Drivers should expect delays over the coming days, according to the Municipality of Jasper.
“We are entering a period of hotter, drier weather, and the fire is anticipated to become more dynamic,” the Municipality of Jasper’s update on Highway 16 reads. “Access, even during these identified times is not guaranteed.”
Tours of town forthcoming
The Jasper Wildfire Complex is currently estimated at 32,500 hectares, and classified as out of control – meaning it is anticipated to spread beyond its current perimeter.
While critical infrastructure in the townsite has been preserved, there is a fire burning underground near the wastewater and water treatment plant. Crews are continuing to protect critical infrastructure.
Additionally, specialists may begin ignition operations north of town today to burn fuels between the control line and fire perimeter, which would reduce the risk of fire spread. Structural protection specialists are maintaining sprinkler systems throughout the community, including the high volume system in the north of town.
In a Facebook post, Jasper National Park said Parks Canada and the Municipality have approved a plan to allow residents to see the townsite from busses. Further information on the bus tours will come soon from the Government of Alberta, the post said.
Parks Canada has completed its assessment of damage to infrastructure outside of town. Green indicates no visible damage, yellow means visible damage, and red means the structure is destroyed. Parks Canada will continue to update the map as more information becomes available.