By Abigail Popple, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, RMG

Parks Canada continues to fight against two fires in Jasper National Park which necessitated the evacuation of the area late last night. Incident commanders do not believe critical infrastructure in the Town of Jasper has been damaged so far.

The south fire has grown to at least 6700 hectares, according to Parks Canada Incident Commander Katie Ellsworth. It is located near Kerkeslin Campground and stretches along the Icefields Parkway, reaching its northeasternmost corner near Wabasso Lake.

A second fire, located between the Jasper Transfer Station and Jasper Airstrip, is estimated to be at least 270 hectares, says Ellsworth.

The fires are very dynamic, and heavy smoke and air tanker activity make it difficult to accurately estimate the size of the fires, Ellsworth told media during a press conference this evening. Firefighters are also planning to employ heavy equipment to establish a control line, and structure protection crews have begun installing sprinklers and a high volume water system to protect the town’s infrastructure, according to Ellsworth.

Strong winds, low humidity, and high temperatures all contributed to the fire’s rapid spread yesterday evening, Ellsworth said. Still, 20,000 to 25,000 people in the Town of Jasper and Jasper National Park were successfully evacuated, she said.

Mayor of Jasper Richard Ireland agreed that the evacuation was successful.

“Response will never be perfect, but we can measure success through the fact that the evacuation has been completed and it has been completed safely. That is the paramount goal,” Ireland said. “And thanks to all of our neighbours, in every direction, who assisted our residents and visitors as they evacuated from Jasper. That includes Valemount in B.C., which was the first stop for so many people.”

Ireland told The Goat that, where possible, the municipality will communicate with Valemount officials about resources being offered to evacuees in the village.

“We’ve had a tremendous response from our own tourism business sector in Jasper. Rafting companies, tour companies with available buses have made those available for use to help evacuees. So I presume some of those wound up in Valemount today,” he said. 

Ireland was in contact with Valemount Mayor Owen Torgerson throughout the evacuation order, he added.

“I appreciate what an overwhelming situation we put you in last evening,” he said. “Between the time of the evacuation order and the first arrivals in Valemount was probably just over an hour, and you were prepared and you did a wonderful job. We certainly thank you for that.”