By Andrea Arnold

McBride Mayor Gene Runtz called the July 9, 2024 council meeting to order at 6:04 pm.

McBride Council heard a delegation from Superior Propane, received a report regarding the upcoming UBCM Convention and approved a facade grant for 476 Main Street at their July 9th regular meeting.

Superior Propane

A late addition to the agenda was a presentation by Darren Sigouin with Superior Propane. He began by thanking council for allowing him to address them, even with short notice.  He talked about the propane tanks that are currently serving the village, and how they are nearing the end of their 25 year life span.

He said that, as a company, they want to see other local providers also succeed, so he presented council with a proposal explaining what their costs are for not only service, but also the replacement of the existing ageing out tanks. He said that if they were to have the contract to serve the community, the switch out of the old and reconnecting of the new would come at no charge to the community.

Another aspect he wanted to make clear is that by providing the village with extensive pricing information, they want to provide other providers an opportunity to meet their pricing, providing all clients with competitive and fair price options.


Council moved to receive the report called “2024 Union of BC Municipalities Convention – Meeting Requests” for information and discussion. Council also moved to consider additional UBCM 2024 Convention meeting requests with Provincial Government MACC Staff (Ministries, Agencies Commissions and Corporations)

Community War Memorial Fund 

One of the items in the “for information” portion of the agenda called for action on the part of Council. Council moved to accept the report regarding the Community War Memorial Fund. CAO Jeanette MacDougall explained that the reason for this was that the deadline for an application.

Water Report

Council approved the Village of McBride 2023 Annual Water Report.

The report stated that in 2023 the McBride Water System supplied 142,205,680 litres of potable water to approximately twelve hundred (1200) persons. This year’s annual water consumption has increased by 210,000 litres. Much of the increase was attributed to several water main breaks during the winter months.

Façade grant & signage

Council approved a request from Mazereeuw Contracting for 50% of eligible project costs, to a maximum of $5,000 for facade improvements at 476 Main Street.

Council also approved their request for a hanging sign although there were some points missing within the current bylaw addressing hanging signs in relation to the zone in which they are being used.

Office closure

Council passed a motion allowing the Village of McBride office be closed to the public on Friday July 19th for the purpose of vetting, organising and/or disposing of Village documentation.


Council moved to proceed to an in-Camera Council meeting for consideration of matters of the Community Charter related to: section 90 (1) (c ) labour relations or other employee relations, and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal services that are at their preliminary stage and that in the view of the council , could reasonably be expected to harem the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.