About 36 kilometres northwest of Crescent Spur, the fire was likely started by a dry lightning strike. It has stayed within its 1.5 hectare perimeter. /BC WILDFIRE SERVICE

By Abigail Popple, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, RMG

BC Wildfire Service has been battling a fire near Torpy River, about 36 kilometres northwest of Crescent Spur, since a fire was discovered on Saturday, June 22nd. The fire is currently marked as being held on the Service’s wildfire situation dashboard, meaning it is not projected to spread beyond its current perimeter.

The fire is estimated to cover about 1.5 hectares of land. According to the dashboard, lightning is the suspected cause of the fire.

As of writing on Monday, June 24th, the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George has not issued an evacuation alert or order for the area. Wildfire Service has not issued a Restricted Area Order, which would prohibit public access to the area.