Submitted by Valemount Legion Branch #266
Branch 266 of the Royal Canadian Legion sponsors an annual Poster & Literary Contest for local students to encourage remembrance through visual art and the written word.
Student entries are collected and judged in the community and cash prizes and certificates are awarded to the top three entries in each category and age group.

The first place winners are then sent on to be judged at the zone level with the winners from Burns Lake, Fraser Lake, Mackenzie, McBride and Prince George. Zone winners then move on to provincial and possibly national judging.”
Last month, Branch President Pete Pearson was able to present certificates to students awarded at the Zone level at both schools.
This year, Ariana McKirdy won 1st at zone level for her black and white poster and Adelie Anthony was last year’s winner for her black and white poster.
Branch 266 thanks all the teachers and students for their work and support of the contest every year.