Regional District of Fraser-Fort George representative Kenna Jonkman (far left) and Administrative Lead for the recreation facilities in both McBride and Valemount, Wes Keim, (far right) presented three recreation centre staff members with recognition of years served. Marion Cousineau served five years at both the Robson Valley Recreation Centre and the Canoe Valley Recreation Centre and has now retired from her position. Loretta Simpson has served the RDFFG for 35 years in a variety of roles that also included time in both facilities. Rick Burnett has worked for 30 years at the McBride facility and he joked that it started as a part time job. Staff from both facilities were in attendance at the presentation as they were attending a combined two day training session. /ANDREA ARNOLDRelated Posts:New administrative lead for valley rec centresRobson Valley Recreation Centre belongs to McBrideNew roof one of many looming repairs at McBride Rec CentreRegional District to consider future Canoe Valley…Arena ice pushed back due to major upgradesPost navigationBluegrass ensemble coming to Valemount LegionBC Hydro expects a “challenging” summer