By Andrea Arnold
Mayor Gene Runtz called the McBride Council meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. on Thursday April 25, 2024, rescheduled from the regular Tuesday meeting.
Not listed on the agenda, but included as a late item, on behalf of the McBride Visitor Centre, Dannielle Alan was in attendance to present the first of several art pieces that will be displayed around the community as a part of the McBride Visitor Centre’s project “Robson Valley Stories, a Walk Through Living Memory.” The piece she had is a painting of a hummingbird and lilacs, painted by Sheilagh Foster.
This project has been made possible through Destination BC and funding through the Visitor
Services Experience Enhancement Grant.
The paintings will be turned into banners to be placed on the lamp posts on Main Street and will include a QR code linking visitors to the new Visit McBride website to learn more through video, audio, maps and pictures. The site will also include information about how the areas illustrated on the banner can be explored further. They also have plans to install two benches that will also be a part of the project.
Alan says that the plan is to have the project complete in just over a year, with a launch date that coincides with Pioneer Days in early June 2025.
Questions from Public and Press
There were three items on the questions from the public and press form that attendees can fill out prior to the meeting start. Following a private discussion between Mayor Runtz and CAO Jeanette McDougall, two of the requests for the floor were denied as they did not pertain to any item on the agenda.
The third, Rick Thompson wanted to ask a couple questions pertaining to the finance and tax bylaw items coming up later in the meeting. Thompson was told he would have an opportunity to address the council when the item was open for discussion.
RDFFG Agriculture Strategy meeting
Council directed Administration to contact Kenna Jonkman, General Manager of Community and Development Services to discuss a time for a meeting regarding the Regional District of Fraser Fort George Agriculture Strategy.
RVCS grant support letter
Council directed staff to provide a letter of support to Jana MacMaster, Co-executive Director for Robson Valley Community Services regarding her grant submission to Infrastructure Canada’s Rural Transit Solutions Fund. RVCS wants to see more transportation options available within and between communities within the valley.
Northern Health meeting scheduling
Council directed Administration to book a meeting time for council to meet with Ciro Panessa President and Chief Executive Officer and Colleen Nyce Board Chair of Northern Health.
Council was asked for topics that they want to discuss. Councillor Glen Frear brought up the topic of making CT scanning and obstetrics available in McBride. Other topics and the date of the meeting will be discussed at a later date.
Bylaw 827, 2024 – Five Year Financial Plan 2024-2028
Prior to Council giving Bylaw 827, 2024 – Five Year Financial Plan 2024-2028 first reading, Rick Thompson was given the floor to ask his questions. The first question was what is the percent increase to taxes compared to last year. Karen Stahl, Village financial consultant, responded to this question explaining that it works out to an average of seven percent or about $15 per house.
Secondly he asked for clarification as to the public input process. CAO McDougall explained that comments and concerns can be e-mailed to the village office or to her directly, or written letters can be submitted to the office prior to the second and third readings.
Council then voted to give first reading to the bylaw.
Bylaw 828, 2024 – Tax rate bylaw 2024
Council gave first reading to Bylaw 828, 2024 – Tax rate bylaw 2024.
Community Clean-up
Council directed staff to organize a Community clean-up event for Saturday May 25th including the purchase of supplies for a thank-you BBQ for participants. Council further voted to host the BBQ.
School donation
Council approved a donation to the McBride Secondary School’s 2024 Awards Program as per the Village’s policy “Village Contributions to Individuals and Groups Policy AD-05.” The request from the school was made for the amount of $500. The policy states that the maximum amount available for each request is $250, so they had to vote to waive this section of the policy to approve the one time increase request.
Council voted to proceed to an in-camera Council meeting for consideration of matters of the Community Charter related to Section 90 (1) (c ) labour relations or other employee relations. The public portion of the meeting was recessed at 6:32 p.m. for the in-camera portion.