By Andrea Arnold
On April 6th, the McBride Men’s Shed held a work bee to remove derelict van from the shores of the Beaver River.
One of the members, Robert Collins Jr. who is an avid fisherman and river user brought the van to the group’s attention. The van had been adjacent to the river for over the past 20 years and with changing
river course was in danger of falling into the river where it would be a physical hazard to rafters and river users and result in an environmental hazard to local salmon and fish stocks.

The group also removed and disposed of the van and cleaned up countless bags
of garbage from the site.

Group president Terry Winkler wanted to express his thanks for all the work put in by the crew, to Robert for bringing the issue to the group, Bob Hurry of TGP for providing the mini excavator , Mark Froese for providing the truck and trailer for the van removal and thanks to Chris Fry from Thunder Valley towing
for disposing of the van.