By Andrea Arnold
McBride Mayor Gene Runtz called the Council meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. on Monday April 8th.
CAO Jeanette McDougall introduced Phil Strain, who has stepped in as a Special Projects Manager to help with water planning. Strain has a background working in local government and has worked in a similar situation within the community of 100 Mile House.
Funding quest for water
Council moved to support an application by the Village of McBride to submit an application to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities Disaster Risk Reduction- Climate Adaptation (category 1) 2023/2024 grant program. This grant is for up to $150,000 and with the motion, Council supports the proposed activities and agrees to provide overall grant management for the development of a Village of McBride Alternate Community Water Source Feasibility Study.
New lawnmower
Council granted pre-approval for the purchase of a new 2024 Stihl RZ560 Zero turn mower from Horseshoe Lake Ventures in the amount of $15,299.99 excluding taxes. Public Works Manager explained that there is currently a promotion that will mean they will receive a new whipper-snipper along with the purchase to replace their current very old and tired one.
Swag bags
Council agreed to support the McBride Tourism Committee’s recommendation to cost share the purchase of welcome bags for the 2024 Rendezvous participants. They agreed to spend up to $400 from the Municipal and Regional District Tax reserves.
Council approved administration’s request to spend up to $1000 on a Council orientation session.
Office closure
Council agreed to Administration’s request to close the office for the day again on Friday May 17, to allow them to continue sorting, filing and the destruction of documents to allow for better office organization. CAO McDougall said that they had made good progress on March 28th when they spent the day working on this project and she figures they need another day or two to complete the job.
Budget timeline
Council passed a motion to approve CAO McDougall request to email a new budget meeting date schedule to them. The final deadline to have the budget submitted to the province is May 15, so council needs to give it third reading on May 9, and final reading and approval on May 10.
Council voted to move to an in-camera session. The meeting was for consideration of matters of the Community Charter related to section 90 (1) (c ) labour relations or other employee relations; and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stage and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.
The public meeting was recessed at 6:26 p.m. for this meeting to begin.