By Andrea Arnold
McBride Mayor Gene Runtz called the Village of McBride council meeting to order on March 12, 2024 at 6:06pm.
Council moved to adopt Bylaw 824, 2024 Emergency Program Amendment as presented. The purpose of this Bylaw amendment is to update the language in the Village of McBride’s existing bylaw to be consistent with new legislation passed in November 2023 in the BC Parliament.
Temporary Use Permit
Council approved the request for an extension of Temporary Use Permit TUP 2202-01 for the Air BnB located at 210 Main Street McBride, BC for a period of two years with a payment of $500, notification to the surrounding property owners and obtaining or maintaining a current business licence.
Beer Garden Endorsement
Council approved the Veneer Kings application for beer garden endorsement for their hockey tournament on March 15th. There was a short discussion prior to the vote to confirm that because the request was made to use a part of the ice arena stands as beer gardens, that this was a village decision. The arena itself is under the Regional District of Fraser Fort George’s management. CAO/CO/CFO/Approving Officer Jeanette McDougall said that she would check into it, but as this has been the procedure in past years, she believes the permit needs to be issued from the Village.
NDIT application
Council moved to have Village staff submit an application to Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Economic Development Capacity Building Program 2024 for $50,000 and agrees to support overall grant management. The Village has been applying for this funding since 2014 and has received financial support for the Economic Development Officer position, as well as, but not limited to, the creation of several economic development reports such as McBride’s economic Development Action Plan, Tourism Master Plan, Cycling Culture Development Plan and the Accessibility Plan for the Train Station.”
In Camera
Council moved to an In-camera Council meeting for consideration of matters of the Community Charter related to Section 90 (1) (c ) labour relations or other employee relations, and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stage and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were beheld in public.
The open portion of the meeting was closed for the in-camera meeting.