By Andrea Arnold
McBride Mayor Gene Runtz called the Feb 27th Council meeting to order following their in-camera portion.
Community Market
Council approved the use of the Steve Kolida Park Pavilion for the McBride Community Market on Fridays for 11 weeks starting June 21st and ending on August 30th, 2024 contingent on receipt of a Certificate of Insurance.
Special event attendance
Council directed administration to respond to the Back Country Horsemen of BC Rendezvous weekend event in the Robson Valley May 23th-26th, 2024, to provide a short opening remark on Friday May
24th at 10:15am. Council also voted to have the mayor provide a written message for the welcome bags.
Bylaw amendment
Council gave the Emergency Program Amendment Bylaw 824, 2024 first, second and third readings. These changes to the bylaw will bring it up to date to reference the new Emergency and Disaster Management Act as well as the recently formed Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52pm.