Remnants of this old building sit along the railway tracks in Tete Jaune Cache. These tracks played a major role in the construction of the two national railways, Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk Pacific.” Historically the tracks ran through the centre of the back then tent town, which was named after Metis fur trader and trapper Pierre Bostonais, who guided for the Hudson’s Bay Company in the 1800’s. Bostonais was nicknamed Tete Jaune by the French speaking voyageurs because of his blonde hair. (Tete Jaune is French for “yellow head”) The town-site was officially located in 1901 and crown-granted (patented) in 1902, becoming a booming collection of lumber shacks, tents, and log houses bringing thousands of pioneers, trappers, prospectors, foresters, and entrepreneurs to the Robson Valley. / SANDRA JAMES