By Andrea Arnold

On Thurs. Sept. 14th, the Village of McBride is presenting an all-day Economic Community Development Forum at the Dunster Schoolhouse and invites residents from the whole region to attend. ” 

“The goal of the forum is to bring together Robson Valley businesses, not-for-profits, and residents with economic and community development agencies and professionals for a day of discussion, presentations, networking and opportunities for one-on-one meetings,” said the Village of McBride Economic Development Officer, Karen DubÔ©.

Dube says this is the first time a forum of this type has been held in the Robson Valley. Speakers will be travelling from Prince George to present to attendees as well as to be available for one-on-one conversations. Representatives from Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan), Northern Tourism Association, Community Futures Fraser Fort George, Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT), Forestry Panel, BC’s Regional Economic Operations (REO), and Agriculture Panel will be presenting in 45 min time slots following a welcome at 9:00am, with a 15 min break between sessions and a one hour break at lunch.

“We encourage business owners, representatives from non-profits and interested residents from Dome Creek through to Valemount to attend for the whole day, the morning or the afternoon,” said Dube. 

The event is free, but due to limited space, registration is required. They are also offering lunch on site provided by the Dunster Fine Arts School Association for $20 each.

More information and a link to register can be found at: