By Rachel Fraser
Multiple Valemount residents have reported an enterprising large black bear (or possibly different bears) eating out of their garbage bins. His MO is to knock the bin over and lift the lid to pull out bags, according to Amy Braun, who spotted him on 3rd Ave three weeks ago helping himself to a neighbour’s bin. She and her partner scared him off and brought their bin inside their fenced yard. “He reached over our fence and pinned his claws into the bin to try and get it over the fence,” she said. Luckily, he was unsuccessful, and they haven’t seen him since.
More recently, Lisa Feldman found her garbage scattered over her driveway, with bear droppings identifying the culprit. She said this happened Saturday and Sunday (September 9th and 10th), but also the week prior.
The Goat reached out to the BC Conservation Officer Service for comment but didn’t hear back by press time. Some general reminders of bear safety include keeping garbage inside until the morning of garbage collection day, inside a bear-proof shed or garage, or if available, an airtight or bear-proof bin. Garbage can be frozen inside a plastic bag to manage odor.