By Andrea Arnold
The Robson Valley Recreation Centre in McBride and the Canoe Valley Recreation Centre in Valemount are expecting to open their ice surfaces within the next couple weeks. Renee McCloskey, Manager of External Relations with the Regional District of Fraser Fort George, says both locations’ renovations are complete and ice plants are in full operation. Staff are busy preparing the surfaces for ice making and anticipate the process will take approximately a week to ensure there is adequate ice for the season.
McBride residents have been without an indoor skating facility for the past year while the refrigeration unit, condensator, and chiller were all replaced. Ice sport enthusiasts are eager to once again lace up their skates.

“I am thrilled to be back on the ice again this year, ” said Elizabeth Trask, McBride Figure Skating Club’s head coach. “Hopefully we have lots of kids who are just as excited.”
Icing the curling surfaces at the Robson Valley Recreation Centre has been delayed a bit longer due to a minor fluid leak under the slab. The leak was discovered during normal start up processes. The repair is scheduled by the onsite maintenance contractor. Following the repair, ice making operations will start within two weeks.
“Staff are very excited to share the new state of the art refrigeration plants with the residents of the Robson Valley and are looking forward to providing access safe and sustainable recreation services for the benefit of residents and visitors to the region,” said McCloskey. “Dates for the first skate should be confirmed sometime next week.”