The community of Dunster has been gathering for a Harvest Dinner for the past 15 years (aside from the past two). This year, on Sat Oct. 8th, about 70 people gathered to enjoy the food and visiting following the Three Valleys Development Co-Operative Society AGM. Following dinner, the documentary “The Seeds of Vandana Shiva,” was shown. /ANDREA ARNOLDThe Johnson family enjoyed the night out at the Harvest Dinner. Between the meal and the door prizes, kids Bo, Lee, Katie, Sarah and Anna played outside with the other young attendees while parents Ray and Laura caught up with friends. /ANDREA ARNOLDBoth dinner courses and desserts were provided by the attendees as the dinner is served potluck style. /ANDREA ARNOLDEveryone who attended the Harvest Dinner was asked to bring an item that they made to be used as a door prize item, allowing each attendee to leave with something special. /ANDREA ARNOLD