By Andrea Arnold
McBride’s first annual Harvest Fun Fair was held on Sat Oct. 1st, at Steve Kolida Park. The weather was extraordinarily beautiful and warm as locals gathered to see the many items that had been submitted for judging.
The categories for this first year included photography, cake decorating, pies, pressed flower displays, scarecrows, pumpkin carving, kids’ crops, kids’ flowers, fibre arts, and painting.
The cakes and pies were auctioned off in a silent auction and raised $323 for the McBride Hospital Auxiliary (cakes), and $225 for the McBride Food Bank (pies).
Organizer Gina Gallacher hopes to expand next year by adding a few more categories, or possibly swapping out a few from this year’s lineup.
There were 10 small carnival-type kids games set up in the field. Five dollars bought 10 tickets to play at any combination of Pumpkin Bowling, Paper Airplane Toss, Rubber Duck Races, Ring Toss and Balloon Baseball.

The Elks and Royal Purple held a concession with some supplies donated from TGP; Home Hardware donated the use of a popcorn machine.
Main street between the park and the ball diamond was blocked off so that local businesses and organizations could set up tables and spread awareness of the services they offer.
Gallacher was thrilled at the turnout and the level of participation.
“It was a great event,” she said. “The weather was beautiful and everyone seemed to be having a great time. I’ve got a few ideas and learned a few things for next year.”

Scarecrow Morgan holds her little sister scarecrow Caylan prior to entering the scarecrow competition. /ANDREA ARNOLD

Willow concentrates hard on sending a stream of air at her duck, forcing it down the trough of water at one of the games offered during Saturday’s event. /ANDREA ARNOLD

Kids were encouraged to build a paper plane and throw it through different sized targets. Cooper’s plane had to fight gusty winds before it sailed through a hole. /ANDREA ARNOLD