Submitted by the Northwest Invasive Plant Council
The Robson Valley is an outdoor enthusiast’s playground, with a multitude of recreation choices and opportunities. While we are recreating and enjoying our natural environments, invasive species become “hitchhikers” and latch onto gear, clothing, equipment, footwear, and firewood. This is how invasive species are introduced or spread. However, YOU HAVE THE POWER to control this.
Education and Prevention
While there are high priority invasive plants of concern being managed by the NWIPC in the Valemount area and Hwy 5 corridor, there is a much greater focus on programs promoting changing people’s behaviours to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species (plants and animals). Under that umbrella, there is the Play Clean Go program focusing on recreation activities and the now familiar Clean Drain Dry program targeting the prevention of invasive aquatic species into the lakes and streams of BC. Anyone travelling the Robson Valley corridor has likely noticed the pull out on Hwy 16 near Mount Robson that requires any watercraft to be inspected.
How YOU Can Help
Identification and Reporting Apps
You can help by reporting known or suspected invasive plants using free apps such as Report Invasives BC (has replaced the old Report a Weed app) and iNaturalist.
Both apps can assist with identification and at minimum, if you’re not sure, you can take a photo and submit it for identification.
NWIPC Hotline (toll free) 1-866-449-3337
Call our toll-free number and leave a detailed message including your name, telephone number and or email if you want to report a suspected invasive species or want general information.
High Priority Species in the Valemount Region

Photo credits, except Baby’s breath: “© Penni Adams