A length of pipe tried to hop into the ground prematurely last week. A semi-trailer carrying the pipe hit the ditch along Valemount’s frontage road in the early morning hours of March 30th. It took several hours and more than one tow truck to free the ditch-bound truck. /PHOTOS GAIL FULTON AND RITA REWERTS, CAPTION GOAT STAFFA length of pipe tried to hop into the ground prematurely last week. A semi-trailer carrying the pipe hit the ditch along Valemount’s frontage road in the early morning hours of March 30th. It took several hours and more than one tow truck to free the ditch-bound truck. /PHOTOS GAIL FULTON AND RITA REWERTS, CAPTION GOAT STAFFA length of pipe tried to hop into the ground prematurely last week. A semi-trailer carrying the pipe hit the ditch along Valemount’s frontage road in the early morning hours of March 30th. It took several hours and more than one tow truck to free the ditch-bound truck. /PHOTOS GAIL FULTON AND RITA REWERTS, CAPTION GOAT STAFF