Last week, the National NewsMedia Council received more than 350 complaints regarding media coverage of the trucker convoy in Ottawa. The Goat would like to hear from you! What did you think of the coverage? What was wrong? What could have been better? Email us at [email protected]. (We will confirm receipt. If you don’t hear back within 24 hours, call 250-566-4606 and leave a message). This is a rare occurrence where we do not need your name and will not print your name, ONLY your location (ex. Tete Jaune, McBride, Valemount). You may remain anonymous save for your location.
Try to be as specific as possible. Ex) I felt Global/CBC/CTV/the Goat etc spent too much time talking about X and not enough time talking about X. OR I felt tv media/print media/online media did not properly portray X issue because”¦ OR I felt there was too much/too little coverage of the convoy because”¦
We will print submissions in our Feb 24th edition.