By Laura Keil
Village of Valemount staff, employees, direct contractors and volunteer members of Council committees will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID -19 by February 26, 2022, according to the Village’s COVID -19 Vaccination policy.
A Village press release Dec. 15th says mayor and council fully support the policy.
“It’s Council’s duty to protect the health and welfare of its employees, its staff, Council members and the volunteers who work with Council and staff,” Mayor Torgerson said.
He noted that, while not mandatory for elected officials, all members of Council have received their full vaccinations and that vaccination is an important consideration in fighting the COVID-19 virus.
A copy of the policy is posted to the Village’s website.
Mayor Owen Torgerson says the Village does not know how many of its employees are currently fully vaccinated or unvaccinated, but he says they will obtain that information over the next several weeks in the lead-up to the February deadline.
He says direct contractors would include any contractors working in direct contact with or close proximity to Village employees.
The policy notes the Village will consider accommodating an unvaccinated person with a valid reason under the B.C. Human Rights Code.