By Andrea Arnold
Mayor Torgerson called the Nov. 23, 2021 Valemount Council meeting to order.
Support for Men’s support program
Council directed administration to write a letter to Robson Valley Community Services in support for grant funding application for a Men’s Support Program Coordinator.
National Defence usage of community hall
Council agreed to waive all fees associated with the use of the community hall for the National Defence department while travelling through Valemount to assist in the Lower Mainland with the recent state of emergency due to flooding.
Accounts Payable
Council received the October 2021 Accounts Payable Report
Centennial Park washroom update
The new Centennial Park washroom update report was received for information. Before the washrooms are open to the public, Public Works has a few items to complete: power needs to be hooked to the inside panel, and plumbing parts have been ordered and need to be installed. Once the electrical is complete, insulation and backfill will need to be completed. Also, several items need to be addressed regarding minor damages believed to be caused by the transportation of the washrooms. Urben Blu is working with local contractors to address these issues.
Generator for the community hall
Council directed staff to apply to the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) Community Readiness Program for a maximum of $100,000, to purchase and install a generator for the Community Hall.
Temporary Use Permits:
21-06 for 23 Cedar Street – Initial approval of provided via #307/21 at the October 26th meeting, be rescinded.
21-06 for 23 Cedar Street – Temporary residential structure proposal be given initial approval as amended.
21-07 for 1280 Juniper Street – Temporary residential structure proposal be given initial approval.
21-08 for 1975 Hillside Mine Road – Temporary residential structure proposal be given initial approval.
Council gave the Village of Valemount Wood Burning Appliance Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 848, 2021 first, second and third reading. This amendment would allow Bylaw Notice Enforcement and Dispute Adjudication System to handle offences. Education is the first step and will be given focus.
Council gave the Village of Valemount Bylaw Notice Enforcement and Dispute Adjudication Amendment Bylaw No. 850 first, second and third reading. Staff is proposing fine amounts of $200 for the following contraventions: 1) Use of a wood burning appliance when air quality advisory in place (unless no alternate heat source available) 2) Installing a wood burning appliance in contravention of the bylaw (ie: accessory buildings) 3) Burning fuels not permitted in bylaw.
Council adopted the Village of Valemount Council Remuneration Bylaw No 853, 2021 be adopted as presented. Amounts each member of Council will receive effective January 2022 are $21,114 per annum for the Mayor and $10,847.00 for Councillors. Each member receives an ipad and Telus internet, if required, for the duration of their term.
The Mayor also receives a phone that aligns with the current Telus contract. Travel allowance and reimbursement of expenses are also discussed in the bylaw.
Council gave the Village of Valemount Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 854, 2021 first, second and third reading.
Temporary residential structures
Council approved the Temporary Residential Structure Policy No. 83 be approved as presented. The new bylaw will read:
6.1 Applications for Temporary Use Permits on lots with an existing dwelling to reside in a Temporary Structure will be approved for a maximum of two (2) years.
6.2 Applications for Temporary Use Permits on vacant lots to reside in a Temporary Structure during the construction of the permanent dwelling will be approved for a maximum of one (1) year.
6.3 Applicants may apply to renew a Temporary Use Permit one (1) time.
Councillor Reports
Councillor Blanchette attended a Clean Air Task Force meeting where they discussed a functional annual plan and how it will be implemented. In the meeting the issue of burning garbage in wood burning stoves was discussed at length. It is an illegal activity that releases toxins into the air. The task force will move forward with a method of educating the public.
Councillor Pearson met with the Northern Interior Rural Division of Family Practice Primary Care Network Mackenzie – Robson Valley Regional Subnet. Working on recruitment to fill positions at the Health Centre. They are also working on a “pathway to care document.” A document has been created in McBride and the Valemount area is looking to create something similar to help track care as a patient moves through the medical system, and provide information regarding what is available.
Council proceeded to an In-Camera meeting for consideration of eight items per Section 90 (1) of the Community Charter to discuss matters related to: (c) labour relations or other employee relations, (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality, (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.