By Andrea Arnold
Mayor Gene Runtz called the McBride Council meeting to order at 7:03pm on October 21, 2021
LED street lights
Council made the following decisions regarding the BC Hydro street light selections:
- Confirmed that the street lighting colour temperature to be selected is 3000K (warmer).
- No locations requiring 4000K light were identified.
- LED wattage option of 75W for most of town. The frontage roads will receive 114W lighting, with the option of stepping down to 75W if needed.
Connectivity concerns
Council directed administration to send a letter to MP Bob Zimmer, CRTC and several Ministers, to express concern in regard to the recent 3500 MHZ Spectrum Auction results and the negative outcomes that are expected for Western Canadians. The letter will address the recent acquisition of service rights Quebecor (Quebec-based telecommunications company) won at the 3500 MHz auction. The concern is that because the company does not have any regional presence or network in Western Canada, the company should not have been able to bid on the area. They have a history of not providing service to their areas resulting in greater rural connectivity issues.
Waste Reduction Week
Council and administration worked together to make a plan for Waste Reduction Week (October 18 – 24, 2021) and how to raise awareness. A decision to put an ad in the Little McBride Paper reminding people of “the 3 R’s” reduce, reuse and recycle, along with a notice about the upcoming roll out of the new garbage bins.
Council gave Remuneration Bylaw No 801, 2021 final reading and adoption. This matter is the last step in finalizing the bylaw created in 2019.
Council gave Bylaw No 802, 2021 – Permissive Exemptions 2022 first, second and third readings. The bylaw exempts certain church properties or portions thereof from taxation.
Community Revitalization & Beautification Committee changes
Council adopted the following changes to the McBride Community Revitalization & Beautification Committee Terms of Reference as recommended by the Committee at the September 20, 2021 meeting, and by Administration. The committee still has one vacant seat.
1. Gina Gallacher is appointed as Committee for 1 year
- Jana MacMaster is appointed as Committee Chair until elections in January.
Train station security cameras
Council discussed the following two options in regards to security cameras at the train station:
1. Industrial quality 8 camera security system with remote access, similar to the system installed at the public works building. Estimated installed cost, $9,000.
- Residential quality 8 camera with similar options. This method will have no remote camera access for the pavilion. Estimated cost $2,500. They made the decision to proceed with option 2
In Camera
Council moved into an in-camera council meeting for consideration of matters per Section 90 (1) of the Community Charter related to: (a) personal information about an identifiable individuals who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; (c) labour relations or other employee relations; and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are a their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:14pm.