The elk rut generally lasts from September through October with the peak around the third week of September. Large mature bulls that are fairly equal in antler size will battle for dominance and the right to his own harem of two to 10 cows. Bugling attracts the cows to him and may even draw in a challenging bull. /LEON LORENZThe elk rut generally lasts from September through October with the peak around the third week of September. Large mature bulls that are fairly equal in antler size will battle for dominance and the right to his own harem of about 2 to 10 cows. /LEON LORENZ Bugling attracts the cows to him and may even draw in a challenging bull. /LEON LORENZRelated Posts:Elk CrossingThrough the lens with Leon LorenzSeveral restaurants closing for fall breakInto the Wild with Leon LorenzMcBride extends state of emergency, POSTPONES OPEN HOUSEPost navigationStruggling to make rent? You could be eligible for rental assistanceValemount CAO leaving the Village