By Andrea Arnold
Mayor Gene Runtz called the July 27, 2021 council meeting to order at 7:00pm. Also present in chambers were Councillors Green, Hruby, Frederick, and Smith.
Public Comment
McBride resident Jana McMaster addressed Council with her concerns regarding the proposed development permit regarding the fences and feed storage proposed for 333, 345 and 355 Main street. (Full details of the proposal can be found in the bylaw section below). She wondered if the structures are in line with the current McBride Revitalization Project, the outcomes of the beautification committee and the overall aesthetic of the community. She also expressed concern about potential pests and the smell of the animal feed.
Broadband study
Council passed the motion to adopt the McBride and Area Broadband review study and action plan as presented.
Councillor Frederick pointed out that according to what has been documented by residents, we are not getting the speed that the report states we are supposed to be getting.
UBCM Meeting
Council passed the motion directing administration to schedule a meeting with Northern Health on Monday,
September 13, 2021 during the 2021 Union of BC Municipalities Convention, time and topics to be determined.
Cemetery tour request
Council approved giving the Valley Museum and Archives access to cemetery records and allowing them to provide tours of the McBride Cemeteryâ€specifically a map and names associated with the public space to help share historic stories about community members who have passed on.
McBride 90th anniversary
Council directed administration to write a response letter to Kathy Molendyk, Secretary, McBride Elks & Royal Purple regarding plans around the upcoming 90th anniversary of McBride. At this time Council has not made any specific plans but will share plans as they are made and Village staff will look into grants.
Letter of support
Council directed administration to provide the Ozalenka Alpine Club with a letter of support for their BC Gaming
Capital Project Grant application for the Ozalenka Alpine Cabin Construction Project.
Bylaws, Permits and Policies
Council approved development permit application 2021-03; and further authorized administration to issue development permit 2021-03 to construct a 14-foot by 24-foot wood pergola, and a 24-foot wood and tin
fence and entryway at the front of the property, to create an outdoor seating area for the existing cafe and gift shop
at Welcome Home. In the following motion, Council also moved to issue a permit to install a customer use entry/
exit door on the south side of the building. Council received the development permit application for 333, 345 and 355
Main Street and moved to authorize administration to proceed with the temporary use permit process a zoning/OCP bylaw amendment for the proposed development application to install a 10-foot-high board and batten fence at the front of all three properties, a tight board fence, wall or hedge not less than 6.5-feet in height, and not more than 10-feet in height at the rear of all three properties, a shipping container for storage as well as eight bulk hopper bottom bins (containing farm animal feed), and to deliver notice to all affected property owners and tenants in adjacent lots to the properties legally described as Lots 3, 4 and 5 Block 10, PGP 1373, District Lot 5316, Cariboo Land District. (Between the bank and Horseshoe Lake Ventures) Applicant Justin Martin was on hand and answered questions regarding the size of the hoppers, as well as the concern brought forward from the public regarding rodents and smell. Martin confirmed that the plan is to keep the area clean of attractants. Also, he discussed the emergency access location in
the rear of the compound.
Pioneer Days
Council approved the following four motions regarding September 10-12, 2021 for McBride Pioneer Days: A temporary street closure for Mainstreet and Holdway street from 1st, to 2nd avenues. The Elks and Royal Purple beer garden application to operate at the pavilion at Bill Clark Memorial Ball Diamond. The placement of a portable toilet by the pavillion at Bill Clark Memorial Ball Diamond. A grant in aid in the amount of $250 to assist with costs.
BC Active transportation planning grant
Councillor Green recused herself for the following motion as it has to do with her employer. Council passed the motion to support an application to BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Planning Program for the Village of McBride Active Transportation Plan for $8,500 of a $17,000 project and further, that they support the projects and commit to any associated costs and cost overruns. The plan would work to improve accessibility for foot and bike traffic around the area as well as provide a detailed map with amenities identified. If successful, some funding would go towards upgrades to existing trails and possibly the creation of new ones.
In Camera
Council recessed the regular meeting to move into their in-camera meeting at 8:05pm.