I ran into Angelika Langen of Northern Light Wildlife Shelter at the Esso gas station in McBride May 27, 2021. She was with a co-worker picking up a bear trap that was in the area and taking it back to Smithers, BC. They are planning to release the five Grizzlies back into the Bella Coola area where the bears were rescued from. She and her partner run a wildlife rescue shelter for orphaned animals such as Grizzly and Black Bears and also Moose and Deer and other animals such as porcupines. They also have a tv show called Wild Bear Rescue on the Knowledge Network. /TRISH DUNNRelated Posts:Editorial - Bear safety begins with usBears in BC take the brunt of negative human behaviourCall for public input on grizzly stewardshipBC COS issues reminder to secure bear attractantsLeon's GrizzliesPost navigationNew crab apple trees thanks to BC Hydro grantPowered Up: 61-year-old Hydro poles reminder of power’s beginnings on Mountainview