Using an excavator, Doug Monroe of Profor loads logs and other debris from the large logjam on the Dore River. The Regional District of Fraser Fort George hired Profor to execute the removal. /ANDREA ARNOLDThe load is taken by rock truck to an area at the end of River Bend road, where it is reloaded into a smaller dump truck for transport to a McBride Community Forest Corporation cut block 24km west of town. The pile will be burned at a later date. Residents have waited with bated breath for the logjam to be removed, concerned that it could cause more flooding and erosion to their riverside properties after high water rerouted the river last summer. /ANDREA ARNOLDRelated Posts:The well isn't dry, it's goneResidents along Dore River wait for reportEroding Dore River bank gets rip rapWhitewater rafting adventures close to homeLosses to Dore River continuePost navigationEditorial: The power of storiesNew legislative session: Opposition vows to hold majority NDP to account