According to the Davis Vantage Vue weather station at the McBride District Public Library, the wind howled through town on the evening of Tuesday January 5, 2021 at a topspeed of 61.2km/hour. Although people tied down belongings resulting in very few reported flyaways, several large trees in the area couldn’t handle the force.
McBride Public Works crews were kept busy Wednesday removing the fallen half of a large tree in the cemetery as well as a tree in Steve Kolida Park./ANDREA ARNOLD
The base of this tree on Bob Elliotts property on Dore River road had a circumference of 7.5 feet. It was partially uprooted and then snapped off taking with it a power line to a small cabin. The family hopes to salvage some of the wood to create a piece in Elliotts memory./ANDREA ARNOLDThe base of this poplar tree that flattened the Foster’s fence measured 42 inches in diameter. It blew over, exposing it’s large root system./SUBMITTED Contact Andrea at [email protected]