By Andrea Arnold
Each year the Province buys sections of private land to expand BC Parks. The BC Parks Land Acquisition Program 2019-2020 Report shows $6,779,359 was spent to acquire over 650ha of land valued at over $9,719,500. Some 59.9 ha of this land lies within the Dome Creek – Mt. Robson stretch.

A section of private land within the West Twin Protected area totalling 59 ha, was acquired for $120,000.
“This land was completely surrounded by the protected area and was purchased to prevent incompatible use from occurring in future,” said David Karn, communications manager with the Ministry of Environment.
The West Twin Protected area is the only protected corridor across the Robson Valley trench running across the valley floor and up both mountain rangesâ€the Cariboo in the south and the front ranges of the Rockies in the north.
Fraser Headwaters Alliance President Roy Howard said they are glad to see the private land within the park returned to the park.
The second area gaining acreage is Mount Robson Provincial Park. A right-of-way covering .9 ha near Mount Robson purchased for $50,000. The Overlander Trail is a historic feature predating the park that crosses private property, said Karn.
“The Statutory Right of Way was purchased to provide legal access to protect the public and the land owner,” he said.
The right of way is now part of Mount Robson Park.