By Laura Keil

The Village of Valemount is running a wood stove exchange grant program this year, which means you could replace an old polluting heating system with a cleaner one for less money.

The Village is also providing more money for cleaner alternatives to wood stoves. Residents can receive up $1,250 for a newer certified wood stove but they can receive up to $2,500 towards a pellet stove, propane appliance or electric heat pump, options that produce less pollution. Rebates can cover the cost of the appliance and any additional costs (installation, materials etc.).

Participants can also receive up to $130/appliance for permit and inspection fees on top of the initial stove grant.

Valemount has been listed as having the worst air quality in the province. The village has increased levels of PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter, plus an array of nasty chemicals from idling, burning garbage and burning wet wood.

Woodstoves eligible for replacement under this year’s program include: Homemade stoves, barrel stoves, free-standing non-EPA/CSA certified stoves, “airtight” non-EPA-certified fireplace inserts or tube-type heat exchangers with faceplate and door (like the ‘Free Heat Machine’ or Welenco) that’s installed in an open-hearth fireplace, a wood-burning cook stove and lastly non-EPA/CSA-certified “wood furnaces” such as a ducted, forced-air, home-heating appliance (This may only be replaced by an EPA-certified wood furnace or pellet furnace and includes add-on wood furnaces and wood/electric combos).

Valemount Home Hardware is offering a 10 per cent discount on participants’ first order of pellets.

The Rocky Mountain Goat is partnering with the Village on the woodstove exchange program this year. Participants in this year’s exchange can participate in an upcoming contest to win back part of next year’s heating bill.

Details on how to participate will be announced at the end of the term of this grant cycle.

Visit for more info on the program.