By Andru McCracken

Work preparing temporary residences for as many as 900 workers continues just south of Valemount. Trans Mountain said that they are continuing to give priority to the health and safety of their workforce, families and communities – even as work at the site continues.
On Monday, March 23 land was being prepared and fencing erected on the site.
“Trans Mountain and our construction contractors are following all advice from government and health officials while maintaining the uninterrupted operation of our pipeline and the safe construction of the Expansion Project,” said an unnamed communications official for the company.
Actions taken to date include suspending non essential travel, restricted access measures at control centres, adhering to recommendations provided by health authorities and moving non essential workers from worksites.
“Each of our construction contractors are required to adopt government and company recommended health and safety measures to ensure construction can safely continue on the
Expansion Project, while ensuring the protection of our people on the ground,” said a company release to our inquiry.