By Andru McCracken

About 35 residents took advantage of Valemount CafÔ© from 6pm to 8pm on October 29. It was an opportunity to meet with village councillors one on one, to connect with staff, ask questions or just connect with other residents.
The Valemount Community Forest was in attendance providing information about their work and logging plans, bylaw officer Chris Dolbec was on hand to answer questions as was Chief Financial Officer Lori McNee.

Mayor Owen Torgerson and councillors Sheri Gee, Donnie Maclean and Hollie Blanchette each sat at a separate table, answering questions, writing down concerns and making time to connect with residents.
The event was informal and some folks made their way around the room talking to everybody present.
Chief Administrative Officer Wayne Robinson said that he had hoped for about 100 residents but was still happy with the turnout.