By Goat Staff

Mayor Owen Torgerson, councillors Hollie Blanchette, Sheri Gee and Pete Pearson met on June 25, 2019 for their regular council meeting. Chief Administrative Officer Wayne Robinson and Administrative Services Coordinator Tracey Dennis were present.

Public Comment

In light of the upcoming delegation on air quality, Eugene Jamin wondered how the silica in the air affects health.

Valemount Coed Hockey donates for bikers

Dianne Mickelson made a presentation to council. Since the hockey team folded, they want to donate money to the Village towards an Ultimate Bike Repair Station (valued at US $2,500) to be set up at Centennial Park. The club requested that the Village be responsible for the setup / assembly and maintenance. With regards to maintenance, Mickelson said it appears to be minimal with secured /retractable hand pump and tools for repair. Jasper has installed one. Council moved to send this request to staff for planning. Councillor Pearson said that this setup could be integrated with the future BC Hydro electric charging station when they pour a concrete pad for it.

Delegation from Ministry of Environment

Staff from BC Ministry of Environment – Natalie Suzuki, Christa Zacharias and Gail Roth came to talk to council about the latest Central Interior Air Quality Report for 2015-2017. Valemount is”  in the red zone – above national standards for PM2.5 – even after wildfire influences are removed. The objective for red zone communities is to attain Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards. PM2.5 particles are microscopic and penetrate deeply into the lungs. According to Suzuki, they have been known to increase the risk for heart attacks. Some of the strategies that the Ministry of Environment have taken for red zone communities is engage with local governments and support a local management plan (eg.”  Cowichan) and recommend Open Burning Smoke regulations and woodstove exchange programs with community partners.

Natural Resource Forum

Council chose to send the mayor to the 17th Annual BC Natural Resources Forum from Jan 28 to 30, 2020 in Prince George, BC.

Speeding Issue in Town

Council received a letter from Jeannette Lorenz with concerns about speeding in the 30 km/ hr zone on 5th Avenue. Council referred the matter to public works.

Tier 2 billing for Air Quality, not Efficient Woodstoves

Rene Nunweiler sent a letter to council that BC Hydro ended the E-Plus program that allowed two meters on the house and made it possible to heat the house electrically. She had to use wood as BC Hydro have increased rates. She wrote that she didn’t believe the answer is a wood stove exchange program, but working with BC Hydro to reduce heating rates. They could reinstate E-PIus and/or eliminate the 2 Step rates for Valemount since there is no affordable alternative except wood heat.

Lease with Lion’s Club

Council directed staff to draft a five-year lease between the Village of Valemount and the Valemount Lions Club, for use of the lane located immediately behind 1100 Main Street, for a $1 per year.

Waive Fees for Sports Day Association

Council directed staff to issue a cheque to the Valemount Community Sports Day Association in the amount of $400, for reimbursement of the Valemountain Days tent rental fees. Their February letter requesting waiving rental fees was misplaced by staff and wasn’t considered by council.

Safety near Train Crossings

Council accepted staff’s recommendation not to change the current traffic patterns – moving yield and stop signs, since Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure as well as CN did not see a net benefit to safety by changing it.

Statement of Financial Information

Council approved the 2018 Financial Report as required by the Financial Information Act to be viewed by public before June 30 of each year and accessible for the following three years.

Sportsplex Upgrades

Council directed staff to enter into an agreement with Northern Food Equipment for the provision of equipment as per the Valemount Sports Plex Concession Upgrades RFT.

Council Reports

Council met as a whole on June 20 to meet with Gail Roth, BC Ministry of Environment and on June 24 for an information session with Economic Development Officer Silvio Gislimberti about community engagement.

Councillor Gee attended the BC Non Profit Housing Association’s workshop RENT in Prince George and suggested sending someone from the Housing Committee to attend the November conference in Vancouver. She also attended the Child and Youth Mental Health Collaborative and the issue of vaping came up.

Councillor Blanchette attended meetings for the Fire and Rescue Committee Consultation meeting, Clean Air Committee, Housing Committee and Elder Care Collaborative, as well as two in-camera meetings.

Councillor Pearson attended meetings for Operation Lifesaver and the Valemount Historic Society.

Mayor Torgerson attended BC Hydro meeting on Columbia Basin operations, a mountain bike park community session as well as Regional District meetings.

In-Camera Item

There were no in-camera items.