by Andru McCracken
Carrier Lumber is developing a pest management plan for the next five years and it includes aerial spraying of a herbicide that’s received a lot of attention recently: Glyphosate. It’s not new. According to Brett Musa, a registered forest technician from Carrier Lumber Ltd, the plan contains only minor changes from the last plan.
Leader of the BC Green Party Andrew Weaver addressed the use of the chemical in forestry in Victoria in November.
“There are a number of significant negative impacts that arise from the current practice of widespread glyphosate spraying,” he said. “The result is reduced plant diversity, leading to monocropped forests that are vulnerable to more frequent and destructive wildfires and beetle infestations.”
Weaver also brought up concerns that glyphosate has been deemed ‘likely carcinogenic’ by the World Health Organization. “It also has genotoxic, cytotoxic and endocrine-disrupting properties,” said Weaver. “For decades, researchers have been reporting reduced numbers of rodents, moose, insects and birds in forests that have been sprayed.”
Glyphosate was discovered to be a herbicide by Monsanto chemist John Franz in 1970 and Monsanto brought it to market for agricultural use in 1974 under the trade name Roundup.
Vantage, Vision, VisionMax and Weed Master Forestry are the trade names of the herbicides Carrier Lumber Ltd plans to use. They all contain glyphosate.
Citizens who are concerned about the plan are free to view it. It’s at the Carrier office in Prince George, BC at 4722 Continental Way.
Take a look at the plan here: Carrier’s Pest Management Plan Appendix 1
This is a map of the area:” Map of the area (very large file 12Mb)

In their plan, Carrier Lumber Ltd states that their objective is to create healthy commercially-valuable stands of trees while meeting government regulations.
“The Pest Management Plan deals with vegetation control within the context of managing cutblock vegetation where Carrier Lumber Ltd has an obligation to achieve prescribed performance targets or Free Growing Stocking Standards,” reads the 40-page plan.
People who want to weigh in are asked to fax or mail Carrier Lumber Ltd with their concerns (see ad P5).
What are your thoughts on glyphosate? Consider writing us too.