by Andrea Arnold

McBride’s new Council L to R Rosemary Hruby, Lucille Green, Diane Smith and Al Frederick. / ANDREA ARNOLD

Public Hearing

On March 12, 2019, the Village of McBride held a public hearing to discuss the request to rezone the former library location from a commercial site to a residential site.”  There were no objections made either in person or by written submission. Real Estate agent Mike Moseley was on hand and spoke briefly. He spoke highly of the applicant, stating that he believes the individual will be a real asset to the community. The final step in the rezoning process will happen at the regular council meeting on March 26, 2019.


Regular Council

Following the public hearing, McBride Council met for their regular meeting on March 12, 2019. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Gene Runtz. Also in attendance were Councillors Smith, Green and Hruby. Councillor Frederick was unable to attend in person this week, but was present through speaker phone.


Ancient Forest Management Plan – public input

Anna McIndoe from BC Parks addressed council with a presentation regarding the Ancient Forest/Chun T’oh Whudujut Park and Protected Area, and Slim Creek Park. The presentation outlined the process that is underway to create a management plan. McIndoe proposed an engagement session to present information and gather public input. Information outlining specifics will be available closer to the event date in April or May. Also, until the end of April, there is the opportunity for public input through the website:


Brownfield remediation

Council passed a motion to receive the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housings response to the 2018 UBCM B25 resolution submitted by council for information. The response states that the results of the province’s first Brownfield Renewal Strategy (2008-2014) are being reviewed. They are developing a plan to encourage remediation and redevelopment of brownfield sites across B.C. As the plan takes shape, MAH staff will collaborate where appropriate.



A resolution from council was required for the completion of the Charge North CleanBC Community Fund application. Council passed the motion approving participating in the project and committing to covering up to $10,000 to cover the Village’s portion of the cost to install two Level 2 public electric vehicle charging stations at the Steve Kolida Park.


Street closures

A motion was brought forward regarding previously discussed requests regarding street closures, park usage and large snow pile construction for Sno-Fest events. Sno-Fest was held on March 10, 2019, and council had given approval in principle prior to the event date. Motions passed in council March 12, 2019 regarding the event were a formality.


Goat letter of support

Council passed a motion in response to Fraser Headwater Alliance President R. Howard’s request for support in their application to Northern Health’s Regional Community Granting Program for the Goat River Trail Upgrade. The motion directed Administration to provide the Alliance with a letter of support. The upgrades will open up the trail for bikers, runners and snowshoers to have access to a variety of trail lengths between short excursions and 3-4 day trips. Two campsites will also be constructed along the trail.


Bus thank you

A news release from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure explaining the new BC Bus North schedule change for Route 200 was brought forward as an information item. Councillor Hruby made a motion to direct administration to send them a letter of thank you as council had expressed concerns previously and now feels the ministry listened to public feedback.


C2C funding

Council approved a motion for the Village of McBride to proceed with a grant application to the UBCM C2C (Union of British Columbia Municipalities Community to Community) program. The program can contribute a maximum of 50% of the cost of eligible activities, to a maximum of $5000. The application, if successful, would help fund McBride council in hosting the Simpcw delegation to discuss common economic challenges and plans from improving regional and local economies.