
Valemount Legion is proud to announce that two entries from the Valemount Elementary School poster & essay contest went on to win at the Central Zones level. Poppy Chair Pete Pearson and President Eugene Jamin congratulated Gwenelyn Hanson for her 2nd place Junior Essay and Delany Michaud for her 1st place entry in the Junior Poem category at Zones. Those entries then went on to be judged at the Provincial Level, where Delany was awarded a 3rd place win for her poem. Each girl received a certificate and a cheque for their good work. / SUBMITTED

The newly elected Executive of RCL #266 in Valemount were installed on Monday Feb 5 by Central Zone Commander Al Turner.”  Incoming President Eugene Jamin spoke briefly about his vision and priorities for the organization going forward, and the need for teamwork and joint decisions.

Marie Birkbeck was the recipient of Volunteer of the Year Award for the 2nd year in a row.

In a written report, outgoing President Pete Pearson thanked everyone for their support, guidance and advice over the past seven years and encouraged everyone to show the same consideration to the new executive, and to continue to support the Branch functions, so it in turn can continue to provide the community service the Legion is mandated to do.

Positions are as follows: Secretary-Treasurer Kerry Pearson, Deputy Zone Commander and Immediate Past President Pete Pearson, 2nd Vice President Christine Addis. Director Sheri Gee, Vice President Marie Birkbeck, President Eugene Jamin, Director Monique Jamin, Sergeant at Arms and Service Officer Clayton Gee, Director Paul Johnson, Director and Membership Chair Doug Hubert.