by Andrea Arnold

McBride Village council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, November 27. Mayor Eugene Runtz, councillors Rosemary Hruby, Al Frederick, Lucille Green and Diane Smith were in attendance.
Council decided to attend a meet and greet with Simpcw First Nation.
Council in Barriere BC on December 10. The council members agreed unanimously that it was a great opportunity and all members committed to attending the event.
Council approved travel and accommodation expenses for all members of council attending the North Central Local Government Association and Convention, May 7-10, 2019 in Williams Lake, BC.
Council received and approved the Declaration of Election by Voting and master ballot accounts for the 2018 General Election for the Village of McBride.
Economic Development Officer Karen Dube requested Council approve an application to the Canada Infrastructure Program to rehabilitate local trails and manage the grant.
The grant would provide an opportunity for local governments to seek funding for community-oriented, non-commercial and publicly accessible projects. Council agreed to provide support needed to upgrade and rehabilitate the Dominion Creek Trail and the Gaglardi Park trail network, and provide a “Town to Trails” opportunity by linking them with the McBride Peak Trail Network. If the grant application is successful more discussion and information will be forthcoming. There was also conversation around the need for proper pre-planning to preserve the final product from flooding damage. The motion passed with a vote of 4-1. Councillor Smith expressed concern regarding the flood plain and possible issues facing the project.
Council applied to an infrastructure program for the next phase of McBride Storm and Sewer Upgrades. If successful, it would fund 100% of the costs of completing upgrades on the west side of Main Street.
Council resigned a five year agreement with the Regional District of Fraser Fort George for the transfer station. There will be a 2% increase each year, which is the same percentage increase as the current agreement. Holiday openings will be reduced to Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Labour Day and Thanksgiving. All other holidays the Transfer Station will be closed.