“She’s not my wife,†said Claude, as I snapped their photos. Irma can be glad of that.
An electronic slide rule calculator easily picked up for $10, but to get it on ebay? The same one was listed for $121.00! Many many deals were to be had.
Susannah and Dale Krinke share some couple time under the fir tree.
Finlay Willow and her mother made an appearance at the garage sale. Finlay says she loves the ambience especially the art.
Canoe River broke its banks in 2014, flooding neighbouring properties including the Canoe River Campground / RMG FILE PHOTO
Curtis Pawliuk applies turbo on his way out of the corner, resulting in a jet stream behind him.
Donalda Beeson shows off in the sun. These riders and many more spent hours helping preparing the trails by hand, raking, removing rocks and debris and flattening rough bits.