by Laura Keil

The Villages of Valemount and McBride are both planning community clean-ups in the next couple weeks.
On Sunday May 27th, Village of McBride annual community clean-up will take place from 10am to 12pm. Volunteers are encouraged to meet at the village park for supplies. There is a free BBQ for volunteers after the clean-up.
The clean-up will target not just garbage but also large items that need disposal.
For removal of large household items, please call the Village Office 250 569 2229 (all large household items must be curbside for pick-up).
In Valemount, the clean-up is planned for June 4-6. Tarmigan Towing will be collecting cars and trucks from Valemount area properties for $50. The price is subject to change if the vehicle is bigger than your basic truck or is out of town. Residents are encouraged to book in advance with Tarmigan Towing at 250-566-4305. The offer is subject to availability
The Village will also be providing bins at the Public Works yard located 201 Gorse Street, and one at the Fire Hall located 1380-5 Ave. Disposal hours TBA.
For information on acceptable items please visit: