McBride Council met for their regular meeting April 10th. Final minutes from the meeting were not available as of presstime due to staff illness at the Village. Below are the agenda items Council considered in order to help keep you informed.
McBride Econ Devel Action Plan
Motion that Council receive the report to Council on the Village of McBride Economic Development Action Plan and adopt the final plan as presented. According to a report from Economic Development Officer Karen Dube, the plan will act as a roadmap for future economic development activities. There are four themes – capacity building, business sustainability and attraction, sector development and quality of life & local services which are described in the 45-page plan included in the Council agenda.
Reports from Council
Counc. Rick Thompson reported about a video conference with the Ministry of Transportation on the topic of Greyhound ending their passenger bus service to McBride and much of Northern BC. He reported key points such as the willingness of the Passenger Transportation Board to expedite applications to provide commercial transportation services to fill the gap; there’s recognition that a subsidized service will likely be required; discussion about Northern and Interior Health busses being a possible solution; there is a community vehicle grant program that may be used for a community transportation program. Counc. Thompson attended the Valemount Community Forest restructuring meeting and noted proposed changes may be recommended for the McBride community forest as well. He also noted he got a “sneak peak” at the work at 521 Main, the new site of the Library/Museum and looks forward to the opening this spring.
Report from Public Works
Public Works gave its monthly report covering numerous topics. Public Works noted it would start street cleaning and line painting soon. They are hoping to add handicapped parking spots around town. Public Works noted there were fewer problems with residential garbage collection (people not using proper cans with lids) due to an education campaign. The town’s reservoir had a problem when the UV system failed to start. A repair was made by the end of the same day. The system is still capable of sending potable water to town, but more work is needed as soon as parts arrive. Public Works named Glen Frear as the new Safety Officer.
Council support
Julia Howard, director of Valley Museum and Archives, requested Council’s support for a funding application to the BC Community Gaming Grant for $97,822 for a Museum Community Education Program, cataloguing and digitization of archives and artifacts program and the cultural program for the Valley Museum & Archives.
Motion that Council support the Ducks Unlimited Annual Banquet and Auction with a cheque for $200 from the grants in aid fund, as done in previous years.
CMH Lodge project
A letter from Canadian Mountain Holidays rep Dave Butler to McBride Council was included in the agenda package. Butler explained that CMH has decided to “temporarily pause” the formal approval process for the proposed project due to “uncertainty around some emerging regulatory changes.” The letter says during the pause CMH will reach out to government “to better understand how CMH can collborate with key stakeholders to ensure a sustainable, environmentally sound project moves ahead.”
5-year financial plan bylaw
Motion that Council receive report to Council on the 5-year financial plan, rescind res: #150327.18 and give bylaw 777.2018 5-year Financial Plan 3rd reading.
Economic Development work plan
Motion that Council approve the development of a comprehensive work plan stemming from the Village of McBride Economic Development Action Plan using funds from the Rural Dividend Special Circumstances grant in the amount of $2,600 to cover the consultant’s fee.
Motion to schedule special council meeting April 17th to adopt the 5-year financial plan and give 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading to 2018 Tax rate bylaw 778.2018.
SnoRiders SledTown Showdown 2018 Champion
Motion that Council receive report and approve the use of the SledTown champion logo for promotional purposes.
In Camera
Council considered one in camera item pertaining to Section 90 (1) (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are in their preliminary stages and that, in the view of Council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.