by Andru McCracken

Valemount’s unassuming Tyler Fowler had a great race at the hill climb event at Peace River’s Misery Mountain Ski Area. It was the first race of the season and Fowler won first in four categories.
Fowler is modest about the win.
“It was a great first race of the season, but the next races are going to be a lot harder. All the world champions like Carl Kuster, Brett Turcotte are going to be there,” said Fowler.
Fowler said he will be running modified sleds for the first time this year. Modified sleds have added power and capabilities.
He said hill climbing is a very athletic endeavour.
“Sixty seconds is a very impressive work out,” he said. “I’m not sure if I’m not breathing the entire time or if I’m just really fatigued. When you get to the top you are fully done, you can’t do another race.”

Pin it to win it
“Throttle is always your friend,” said Fowler. “If you are not on the throttle you aren’t going to win.”
Fowler likened it to a bike, balancing while standing still is difficult, but when the bike is in motion balancing is a breeze.
“There are lots of situations when your sled is in an awkward position you would use your throttle to get out of it,” he said.
“If you’re on a sidehill and you’re off the throttle, your snowmobile would just fall down the hill; with the throttle, you can get back up.”
Fowler placed 1st in Pro Stock 800, 1st in Pro Stock 1000, 1st in Pro Improved 850, 1st in Pro Open Mod, 1st in Pro Stock King of the hill, 1st in Pro Improved King of the hill, 1st in Pro Mod King of the hill, 1st in King of Kings, 2nd in Pro Improved 1000, 2nd in Pro Stock 850, 3rd in Pro Improved 800, and 3rd in the Pro Mod 800.
The next races are in Dawson Creek, then Silverstar in Vernon and then Sun Peaks in Kamloops.