Five skiers going up. Brian’s new sled has a wide track and a low gear, meaning it was a slow smooth trip up the usually manic sled track
Jared gives a tribute to Warren Miller
Chelsea and Karen get started on their way down
Aldrine and Elijah get ready to try their feet at cross-country skiing. Their track started across from the milk-jug curling rink, went around the snow-golf course, and finished just a few steps from the hot-dogs and cookies being served in the pavilion.
It takes a lot colder than -15 to keep Max from smiling!
Alma prepares to throw some “curling rocksâ€ÂÂ. A creative curling rink was set up on Main Street McBride. Players could throw their rocks made from milk-jugs at rings of coloured snow.
Mac conducts a propagation test. Up top, the storm snow isn’t bonded with itself enough to cause big problems, but lower down he finds layers that want to move.
Under magnification.
These once beautiful snowflakes have turned into ugly basal facets that don’t bond with each other.
Lori talks about the forces that keep snow in place on steep slopes and what happens when they’re compromised.