Rudi Thoni and his son Andreas discuss the way forward during a break while brushing out the latest addition to Valemount’s amazing out door recreational opportunities. /ANDRU MCCRACKEN
The Mustangs Ezra blows past Wolves’ Dwight with the help of some elbow action. As usual the crowd had a terrific turnout.
Eston races to the hoop like only he can, not all of his lay ups were on, but his 3 pointers were astounding.
Keiana looks for an opening through a sea of opponents, the Mustangs passes were dead on. Valemount dominated on rebounding, here Hannah and Sydnie use their height to great advantage.
Rachael makes way for Taylor as she drives to the net from the mid court.
Karen Dube is McBride’s Economic Development Officer.
Casgrain’s granddaughter Lise Casgrain, Tim Nusse and Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Jean-Yves Duclos.