by Andru McCracken
The Village of McBride has lost its top administrator. According to councillor Rick Thompson, CAO Cheryl Martens decided not to stay on at the end of her probationary hearing.
An advertisement for the CAO position went up on Village of McBride’s website Nov. 20th.
Councillor Rick Thompson said he was disappointed Martens decided not to stay on.
“It’s unfortunate. I thought she was doing a great job,” said Thompson. He said she’d likely find a job somewhere else with ease.
“I’m sure she’ll fit in somewhere else,” said Thompson. “Because she was good.”
The role of chief administrative officer is the top job at a village office and they are charged with implementing the direction set out by council.
Martens didn’t tell the Goat her reasons for leaving, but she did say that it wasn’t because of staff, the mayor, the citizens of McBride, to move back to Saskatchewan, or for personal reasons.
“I have received much support from above and beyond after tendering my resignation and am currently looking for another position in BC,” said Martens.
Mayor Loranne Martin was contacted for comment, but did not respond by press time.