As a member of the public I appreciate good and informative reporting. As a public figure, I expect that reporters will report fully, accurately and unbiasedly in all circumstances. As a former member of Council and reporter you understand that some matters cannot be commented on.
I apologize for not returning your phone call regarding the departure of a second CAO since the by-election; but, Council had met and couldn’t agree on the content of a press release on the subject matter before you went to press. I felt that under the circumstances it would be inappropriate to comment until Council could meet and come to agreement.
I want to thank you for fully reporting on the CAO comments to you, “Martens didn’t tell the Goat her reasons for leaving, but she did say that it wasn’t because of staff, the mayor, the citizens of McBride, to move back to Saskatchewan, or for personal reasons.”
I don’t think it comes as any surprise that I’ve felt villainized in the press since the CBC radio show where I was described as impossible to work with. To now have both CAO’s come forward and state the same thing makes me feel somewhat vindicated.
It is a shame to lose someone of Cheryl’s calibre, with almost 20 years experience and direct education in the field. I know that the staff had already grown to like and respect her. She has left some big shoes to fill in such a short period.
Council will now move ahead to hire an interim CAO as it can take several months before a new CAO can be relocated.
Mayor Loranne Martin
McBride, BC