Stewart Ives fields the ball and throws to Ellise Bressette on first base. Batter out! / EVAN MATTHEWS
This year’s Valemountain Days Slo-Pitch Tournament brought seven teams together and upwards of 90 people.
The temperature reached a minimum of 30 degrees Celsius Friday through Sunday.
Come from Behind, captained by McBride’s Marty Kelly won the tournament over Brad Tower’s Muff N’ Men.
Plan B, captained by McBride’s Kenton Bressette won the consolation finals over The Swallows, captained by Valemount’s Evan Matthews.
The tournament was a not-for-profit event, with $350 going to the winner and $100 going to the consolation winner. Remaining proceeds paid for the fields insurance.
Kenton Bressette looks to make a play at the plate. / EVAN MATTHEWS
Jim L’Hirondelle takes a breather in between pitches. The mercury hit 31 degrees Celsius on Saturday. / EVAN MATTHEWS
Cam Bell rounds third base, as Kenton Bressette fields the ball at second base. / EVAN MATTHEWS
After the opposition registered a base hit, Denise Clark fields the ball and throws to the pitcher. / EVAN MATTHEWS
Muff N’ Men Captain Brad Towers (pink) meets with Plan B’s Captain Kenton Bressette. Muff N’ Men topped Plan B in the semi-finals, ultimately losing to Come from Behind in the championship game. / EVAN MATTHEWS