A Honda Civic after being side swiped by a semi. There were no injuries.
RCMP report, more collisions
In an effort to better keep the community informed the Robson Valley Regional RCMP will be providing weekly press releases to the local papers. The list is not inclusive of all calls of service the local RCMP detachments receive, but provides a cross section of what is happening in the Robson Valley.
by Cpl. Jason Nash
Dec. 14: the Valemount RCMP received a report of a collision that occurred approximately 70km down the East Canoe Forest Service Road. The driver of the vehicle was injured in the incident and transported by a passerby to the McBride Hospital for treatment.
Dec. 18: Valemount RCMP received a report of a collision approximately 45km north of Blue River on Highway 5. The collision occurred between a semi-tractor trailer and Honda Civic which was seen to have significant damage to the driver’s side. Further investigation concluded the Honda Civic crossed the center line into the path of the semi-tractor trailer making a collision unavoidable, and both subsequently side swiped. There were no injuries as a result of the collision, and visibility and road conditions were poor at the time.
Dec. 19: 2016 Mcbride RCMP were made aware of a roll-over collision involving a logging truck. The trailer slid off of the roadway over an embankment pulling the tractor with it. The tractor tipped onto its side but did not slide further down the embankment. The driver and passenger were transported to the McBride Hospital with minor injuries and for further assessment. Further investigation determined poor weather and road conditions to be the primary cause of collision.
Dec. 19: McBride RCMP attended the scene of a collision on Highway 16 west of Goat River involving a Subaru Imprezza. The driver of the vehicle was not injured and informed he was going down a hill when he struck an icy patch causing the vehicle to spin, then proceed off of the road and roll onto its roof before coming to rest. Investigation into this matter continues.
Christmas is a time of year to catch up with friends and spend time with family. It is also a time to reflect on a year that was and look forward to the future. The Robson Valley Regional RCMP would like to extend holiday greetings to all, and ask everyone to put safety at the forefront and don’t drink and drive.
Merry Christmas!