The Canoe Valley Rec Centre in Valemount is in need of more annual funding.

At the meeting last week, the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George requested a 25 per cent increase to the CVRC’s annual requisition – the amount raised from local taxpayers.

The proposed 2016 operating budget for the CVRC is $486,300.

“Additional funds will be needed to keep up with inflation and to assist with future enhancements and repairs,” says the RDFFG’s General Manager of Community Services, Donna Munt.

“Repairs include a compressor rebuild, installing infrastructure to recapture surplus heat ” which will reduce propane cost substantially ” and to have a dedicated change room for the Exercise Room clients,” she says.

Grant funding will also need to be secured for this work to be completed, according to Munt.

The compressor rebuild is scheduled for 2018, and will be completed with or without grant money, according to Munt, while the other projects will be scheduled if the RDFFG (and CVRC)” are successful in receiving a grant.

“We continue to monitor for available grants and if a grant becomes available we will apply,” says Munt.

“Because grants never cover 100 per cent of the cost, it’s important we have the matching funds set aside to meet the financial condition of most grants,” she says.

The request to increase the requisition allows for funds to be set aside, which can then be used to offset some of the cost for the aforementioned work and to keep up with cost of living increases, Munt added.

In 2016 capital projects with a value of $103,000 were carried out with grants totaling $83,000 from Northern Development Imitative Trust, Columbia Basin Trust, Community Works and New Horizon for Seniors, according to the RDFFG, to offset the cost of the work.

The Canoe Valley Rec Centre operates the arena and a fitness room.